Continued from Part III here, we headed to the Great Ocean Road, home to the Twelve Apostles and the famous Bells beach which I finally got to soak in the natural beauty of ♥ We also passed by coastal townships of Torquay and Lorne where most of the surfers retreat to during summer (It was winter then so it was pretty dormant) Throughout the length of the road, there were many fern filled gullies and river inlets that added to the pleasure of the scenic coastal drives! It was a pretty long drive though, and the road really got terribly windy halfway so it can be rather nauseous-inducing after a while. Sweets and music on board certainly help.
We also made stops at passing towering limestone cliffs, and white beaches basking in the morning sun. And of course, witnessing the Twelve apostles from the boardwalk while the remaining 7 are still standing strong in the Southern ocean. Lunched at a small town @ Apollo bay hotel to escape from the cold!
The world famous Bells Beach didn't disappoint either - home to the World surfing championships, the scenery was really breathtaking - for the lack of a better word. The draft was freezing though (can't really tell from the pictures but yeah it was mad cold). Port Campbell was nearby, which was a charming fishing village and a summer holiday resort where a tragic history of ships wrecked along the rugged coast took place, can't remember the details. Crossed the West Gate bridge back to Melbourne city by evening.
Met the friendliest and fun-loving Border collie which was such a delight to play fetch with @Anglesea beach, my sister was so engrossed that she dropped the camera and sand was stuck in the lenses for the rest of the trip!
Because it was winter in Australia, the days are much shorter and hence, the sun sets pretty fast. Just some last few photograph shots of the scenic coastal cliffs bathing in warm illumination of the impending sunset.
Sometimes I catch myself scrolling through my iPhoto memory racks for these pictures, perhaps an inherent tendency for a momentary escape. Whilst the very insatiability of our photography skills
sometimes take a too technical slant and alter the natural charm a sight exudes, I'm glad that these stills could capture that salt saturated fresh air and freezing cold bite the draft invited. And of course, the majestic awe of it all.
Pictures taken by my trusty Canon IXUS 1000HS
Melbourne Part V (soon)
Apollo Bay Hotel
95 Great Ocean Road Apollo Bay VIC 3233
Australia (03)5237 6250