Or perhaps it is an attempt to appease myself from tucking away this nearly neglected corner of my life.
Being unwell is such a chore :(
I'm craving for Crystal Jade la mian xiao long bao.
The past weeks or rather should I say months have been filled with my own fair share of downs and ups, but most importantly timely reminders from Him on life paths and priorities, which we will eventually have to juggle full-time.
But along with the arduous task of keeping at the balls of my feet on my 8-6 routine everyday, little joys like weekends well spent with my boy + filling up my schedules with all the love from my colleages and friends and girlfriends on the weekdays to the brim. (Up to the point I sometimes exhaust myself from Mon-Fri)
Attending launch invitations and served fine dining has been an experience, but not to be blinded by it to forget the amount of hard work put into each assignment and project that scrolls along.
Scholarship and university applications/assessments are nearly coming to an end, I dare hope.
And I'm looking forward to the day getaways next week, following Russell's POP two days ago.
Pictures galore, most on facebook though.
D&D promos - Jester and the King

Dinner out at Demsey's Culina

Vatician masquerade ball D&D @ Marriot

Desserts @ 2am desser bar

Wala wala @ Holland Village

Girlfriend's birthday pictures @ her place, happy nineteenth once again, I love you and thank God for such a close friend I can connect with spiritually and emotionally ♥♥♥
Thanks so much for having us over, plus your mum's hospitality :)
And company of my AC girlfriendssss :}

POP finally!

God bless!
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