Here's for all the accumulated photo-worthy moments captured throughout (certain) days when I'm lazy to whip out my camera. If you have sneakily went through the Gallery on my phone, you'd have seen them all!
Modele, au natural |
At xiner's makeup studio school |
Raspberry ice cream for an old school treat to unwind by the pool |
Beautiful gradients in the sky |
QTPY salt and pepper shakers @ Hatched Colourful hangers from Daiso!
Doubled rainbow spotted @ my uncle's veranda by the pool |
Pretty pink daisy in our living room Strange creeper plant spotted @ Engineering faculty
Angel |
New bathrobes after a dip in the pool |
Alfresco tea light candle dinner @ La Petite Cusine |
Humongous serving of pulled pork / smoked salmon ciabatta
and truffle oil mushroom soup @ PS Cafe Harding Road |
Homely seating area @ PS Cafe Harding road |
Free USS tickets! (Thank you Mumsie) Yakisoba @ Japanese Gourmet town
Snug fit for a (free) cuppa Starbucks in my mustard bag |
Basil pesto pasta with bacon bits by the best cook in the world (hahaha) |
Empty patch of land near my place where the estates were demolished in the blink of an eye |
Food rations for a typical school day Mint nails heehee
Bruise from NUSSU Bash @ St. James powerhouse Showing my friend the dear state of my long fringe
Fairy lights and lanterns for my bedside! |
Sequinned hairbands when I'm in the mood (pardon the blur) |
That's all folks, for now! Ciao ♥
Your nails are beautiful <3
@Benlovesting Hello thank you so much! :) Hehe are you summertoast's boyfriend? I love her blog!!!
@Benlovesting Whoopsie just realized that you shifted URL :)
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